Why you should go to VMworld in 2019 (imho)

Why you should go to VMworld in 2019 (imho)

I have been five times to VMworld over the past 15 years. VMworld has brought me to Los Angeles, San Francisco, Barcelona and Las Vegas. It is an event that holds great value for beginners, pro’s and veterans of the industry, young and old. What did VMworld bring me? What did I get out of…Read More

VMware Social Media Advocacy

About etqui

My name is Eelco de Boer and I work for DellEMC as a Technical Account Manager. I am interested in design (both high level and technical), product/solution management and helping customers solve their pains. I like to take a broader look and approach and prefer to look at a problem from several angles. My experience focuses mainly on solutions based on VMware technologies and software. I am a VMware Certified Professional, VMware Certified Advanced Professional Data Center Design, vExpert 2014, 2015 and 2016. This blog represents my own opinion and views.

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